Latest news about cannabis in Europe
The use of hemp is becoming culturally entrenched in our society, but public opinion remains largely under-informed. NORML France is there to transmit and educate, to support this phenomenon.
“I’m not saying that hemp will save the world … but in any case, it’s the only thing that can do it …” Jack Herer
- Le Vert & l’Or : Cannabis aux JO de Paris 2024
- Le Dabbing, un voyage aromatique dans le monde de la verrerie d’art
- Législatives 2024 : NORML France alerte sur la possible situation à venir des usagères et usagers de cannabis
- Lettre d’un de nos adhérents à ses juges
- L’Allemagne passe au vert, la France reste bloquée au rouge
- L’Allemagne passe au vert, la France reste bloquée au rouge
- L’Allemagne passe au vert, la France reste bloquée au rouge
- Californie : la légalisation préférée des prohibitionnistes
- La justice française va devoir se prononcer sur la dépénalisation de l’usage de stupéfiants
- Cannabis Social Clubs : le coopérativisme non-lucratif catalan en danger
- Prominent Activist Arrested in Cannabis Raid
- We are almost there.
- Global Cannabis Cultivation Survey: first results published
- Why do we need another documentary about Cannabis?
- ‘Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids – Policy, Science, and Medical Practice’ Conference 2015: Part 2
- ‘Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids – Policy, Science, and Medical Practice’ Conference 2015: Part 1
- Reefer Madness comes to Britain (again)
- Radio 4’s Cannabis Awareness Week
- The long and costly arm of the British justice system.
- Pensioner Eric Mann given suspended jail term for cannabis
- Meta-Analysis: Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Rare in Those Without Pre-Existing Mental Health Conditions
- South Africa: Legislation Becomes Law Regulating Personal Cannabis Use
- Survey: Patients Report Improvements, Few Serious Side-effects Following Use Of High-THC Flower
- Poll: Most Americans Say That Adults Should Be Able to Legally Grow Marijuana at Home
- Study: Opioid Maintenance Patients Frequently Report Using Cannabis In Place Of Other Drugs
- Germany: Those 18+ May Legally Begin Possessing Cannabis Next Week
- Germany: Lawmakers Advance Cannabis Liberalization Plan
- Rick Steves
- Analysis: Cannabis Use Plays Little Role In Cardiovascular Deaths Related To Substance Use
- Survey: Some Physicians Endorse Cannabis-Based Treatments for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Høringsinnspill til forslag til statsbudsjettet 2024 (kapitler fordelt til helse- ogomsorgskomiteen: Kapittel 765)
- De faste grensene for måling av cannabis/ THC- nivå i blodet revideres endelig av Høyesterett
- Medisinsk Cannabis som smertestillende?
- Inspill til Helse- og omsorgskomitéens høring om statsbudsjettet 2023
- Innspill til Helse- og omsorgsdepartementets folkehelseplan
- Innspill fra Normal Norge til høring om Representantforslag om å gjennomføre rusreformen Dokument 8:46 L (2021-2022)
- Høringsinnspill til forslag til statsbudsjett 2022 (kapitler fordelt på helse- og omsorgskomitéen) fra Normal Norge
- Høringsinnspill til forslag til statsbudsjett 2022 (kapitler fordelt på helse- og omsorgskomitéen) fra Normal Norge
- Cannabis og pandemien
- Velkommen til nytt styre